What You Need to Know About Sunscreen

Although experts disagree on which products are safe, they all agree that we should be slathering on some type of product when you can’t avoid the sun.

What You Need to Know About Sunscreen

But it gets tricky when it comes to figuring out which to pick. With ever more products available, and with contradictory reports on safety, navigating the sunscreen aisle can be tricky.

Updated label regulations from the FDA changed the way manufacturers showcase their products, with SPF limited to "50+" and skin cancer alerts on products that aren't broad spectrum. Water resistance claims are more targeted, and claims of products that are "waterproof" or "sweatproof" have been eliminated.

Sunbathing May Be Addictive

The Environmental Working Group, a public health non-profit, started evaluating sunscreens eight years ago in an effort to raise awareness of potentially dangerous ingredients in products. It bases its ratings for safety and sun protection on ingredients, UVA (ultraviolet A, long-wave rays) and UVB (ultraviolet B, short-wave rays) protection and the ratio between the two, and how long the product remains effective.

The reports have been called alarmist in the past, and the American Academy of Dermatology continues to stand by its position that all sunscreens in the United States are safe. EWG says it's simply working from the precautionary principle. And despite its cautious approach, more and more products are getting the green light since the EWG has been analysing sunscreens (although few of them are mass marketed brands).

Hidden Sunscreen Additives

Advocates are concerned about a form of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, that's often added to sunscreen, referring to a study that suggested that it can speed the development of skin tumours and lesions in the presence of sunlight.

"Clearly, the FDA's regulations on sunscreens are doing little to stem the tide of poorly-made products, and that could have serious effects on Americans' health," Sonya Lunder, senior research analyst at EWG, said in a press release. "Since we started this project eight years ago, we’ve seen few improvements in the safety or efficacy of sunscreens sold by mass-marketed brands."

Extreme Heat Waves Becoming The Norm

Others worry about vitamin D deficiency if you're always wearing sunscreen.

"This is a scenario where you can have your cake and eat it, too," said dermatological surgeon Jerry Brewer of the Mayo Clinic. "You can get vitamin D from the sun and your diet, and you can take a supplement if you're not getting enough from the sun." About 10-15 minutes of sun exposure is good for your daily vitamin D dose, depending on your skin tone.

Mineral vs. Non-Mineral

The debate between mineral (or physical) vs. non-mineral (or chemical) sunscreens seems to provoke the most passion between the "play-it-safe" camp and those who believe concerns have been overly hyped, and that the benefits of using any sunscreen far outweigh the risk.

Mineral sunscreens, which the EWG favors, use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to help shield your skin from the sun -- and this year, you're likely to see more products of these type lining the shelves of your local co-op. The nano- and micro-sized particles are not believed to penetrate the skin.

More traditional products rely on octisalate (found in 59 percent of products, according to the EWG), oxybenzone (found in 52 percent) and avobenzone (found in 49 percent). Oxybenzone presents the most concerns; it can trigger allergic reactions, is a potential hormone disrupter, and penetrates the skin in relatively large amounts, according to the EWG.

"There has been a lot of hype about possibly causing endometriosis or increasing skin cancer," Brewer said. "The bottom line is, sunscreen continues to be one of the most effective methods of sun protection available."

Oxybenzone has been approved by the FDA since 1978.

Thanks to D News and // BY SHEILA M. ELDRED

After reading this information, we urge you to do additional research, get advice from reliable sources, and 'draw your own conclusions'.